An old tuba tuned in BBb. It carries the inscription "Joseph van Zypen, Wien 1873". My investigations
have not found an instrument maker of that name, thus it could instead be the name of
the owner. The tuba is equipped with "Berliner pumpen", a short thick valve type
These valves mute certain tones, while other tones passes wihout being muted. That cause this valve
type to disappear from new instruments after the late 1800's. A curosity of this tuba is that it uses
"swedish" valve combination, this is when the third valve does lower the tone 2 whole tones
instead of the usual 1 1/2 tone step.
the "swedish" system is also seen in France and Belgium, and enables the tuba to play the deep G, just
remember that the valves uses other combinations.
Why a tuba in Wienna uses Swedish valve combination is a riddle to me, not least when the tuba ends up in
Denmark, where it was discarded in 1950 and put away on a loft. I got it down from that loft in 1984, it was
then dirty, so dirty that I was refused admission to a citybus. In its working days, the tuba was
known as "Joseph" due to the name on the plate, and this name is still used.
With a weight of just 4 kilograms, Joseph was very useful on a journey to Belgium, where
we played up to 12 places each day. This old instrument has "personality", only a player who
accepts that can play on it.
Normal valves 1+3 = 2+3 = 1+2+3 = (n.a.) |
"Swedish" valves 2+3 3 1+3 1+2+3 |